Tuesday, April 14, 2015

I hope that Uncle Howard and Eunice will get word that they were the topic of the blog this week.  To me the love they showed to Alan was a remarkable example of the voluntary, radical generosity that the first century Christians showed each other.  In Acts 4:32 it says, "...All believers were one in heart and mind.  No one claimed that any of his possessions was his/her own, but they shared everything they had..."  This was no law.  It was done because the Holy Spirit motivated it, so that they were not 'possessed by their possessions.'  Too many and too much we have it the other way around.  We are defined by what we have rather than by who we ARE as children of the king.
Howard and Eunice voluntarily out of love for Alan dramatically altered their lifestyle to provide a safe and happy environment for a special needs young man after his own parents were killed in a car crash.  Our whole extended family benefited by their example.
The beautiful thing about it is they probably didn't even think about it as being some kind of amazing act.  They just did it without any thought of any kind of recognition.  Alan lived the last few years of his life giving and receiving a simple and authentic love, surrounded by cousins who doted over him.  I can still see his beaming face smiling up at Howard.
Thank you Howard and Eunice for giving us a tangible example of the Father's great unconditional love for us!

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