Monday, March 30, 2015

The community of Idaho Springs and wider Clear Creek County gathered for Palm Sunday worship at the United Center in Idaho Springs.  The United Center is the former, historic United Methodist church building which has been converted into a community center of sorts.  Nearly 100 people were there--Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, Lutherans--we hope and pray another step toward a Neighborhood church in Clear Creek County!
We lingered for awhile on the poignant scene of Jesus weeping over the city of Jerusalem while around him the crowds were cheering, "Hosanna".  And his words of lament,  "...If you had only known...this day what would bring you peace..." (Luke 19:42 NIV)
Peace here is connected to the Hebrew word 'shalom'.  This word is a much richer, fuller, deeper word than our usual understanding of the word peace as simply, 'absence of conflict.'  It speaks of freedom from care, inner rest, a sphere of living that lifts us up above our circumstances.
I don't know about you, but I aspire to live more consistently in that inner place of calm even if the world and circumstances around me are in chaos.  Sometimes I have that.  Sometimes I don't.  It is part of the fruit of the spirit.  We hold up empty and needy hands each day and ask for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit.
Hear this day the wonderful words of blessing God gave to Moses to give to the people of Israel:
"The Lord bless you
and keep you;
The Lord make his face shine upon
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you 
and give you PEACE.  (Numbers 6:24-27)

Monday, March 23, 2015

Clear Creek County Colorado is probably not a lot different than most of the country as it relates to a general attitude toward things Christian.  But since it is a relatively small county (less than 10,000 population) and since we live here and know many people, these attitudes seem more defined.
We are reading, together, Philip Yancey's new book, "Vanishing Grace".  In it he recalls an incident Donald Miller wrote about in "Blue Like Jazz".  A reverse confessional booth was set up on a college campus where Christian students confessed their sins rather than expecting it the other way around.  Largely, they were (are) sins of failing to be 'grace-filled' people.
Philip also quotes Hebrews 12:15 which in part says, "...see to it that no one misses the grace of God..."
As we walk about this space of the earth where God has placed us we realize how many people have missed the grace of God.  It has become an empowering thought for us to consider ways that just by our presence here we can be part of introducing people to this great gift.  That may mean, at times, apologizing, for the self-righteous, antagonistic language and behavior. And it may mean confessing our tendencies toward defensive, condemning attitudes that we Christians have often present to the world around us.  What an opportunity and what a challenge!!

Monday, March 16, 2015

I was thinking yesterday and again this morning about the activities and accomplishments that bring meaning and identity to our lives.  And I was thinking further about how the good news of God's love relates to the formation of meaning and identity in our lives.  Everything in the material realm which brings meaning and identity to our lives is relative.  That is to say that there will always be someone we feel superior to or inferior to.
An illustration:  I'm a cyclist.  For many years I lived and road my bike on the quiet flat country roads of rural southern Minnesota and northern Iowa.  I would rarely see another person on a bike and hardly ever anyone who was serious about riding a bike.  I rode pretty hard and fast and grew to think I was a pretty 'hot stuff' on a bike.  Then I moved to Colorado!  The very first day there a neighbor who was also a bike rider saw me hanging my bike in the garage and asked if I wanted to go for a ride with him the next day.  I said,  "sure",  and quickly found out that I wasn't such 'hot stuff' on a bike!
If we find meaning in life and form our identity on activities and accomplishments that are relative we will always be looking up or down on others and basing how we feel about ourselves and others on ever changing standards.
However, the good news tells us that we are of infinite worth to our Heavenly Father, period.  That worth is not based on what we accomplish or how we look but simply that we are and we are loved to death by Him.
This really is good news and it is the good news we are trying to consistently tell here in Clear Creek County Colorado.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Encouragement from some friends has motivated us to re-up our efforts at keeping this communication more current.  Here goes.
-an update on Kevin and Anna Trivits and Daphne and...With our agreement and blessing the Trivits have relocated to Delaware where Kevin took and associate pastor position.  We miss them and their energy and vision but the move was best for this great family.  We continue to pray and dream about another person or couple to join us in this work.
-we have a 'core team'!  We meet every Wednesday night.  We have a meal together and are currently sharing our faith stories.
-Clear Creek Neighborhood Church meets the 2nd and 4th Sundays.  We believe we are starting to build some community.
-Mary meets with two special needs young women.  They really respond to her listening, gentle approach with them.
-Bill is preaching each Sunday, still, at the United Church in Idaho Springs, CO.  The double and overlapping work of starting something new, and attempting to revitalize an existing church is full of challenges and opportunities.
The preaching at the United Church is taking us through the book of Acts.  What a great book to be in alongside our sense of being missionaries here in Clear Creek County Colorado!  A key theme (check it out) in the history of the first century church is the person and work of the Holy Spirit.  Over and over the Holy Spirit, in power, just shows up.  The exciting (and frustrating) part of the work of the Holy Spirit is THERE IS NO FORMULA.  Wouldn't it be nice if we had just the right words to say or just the right actions to take to guarantee the outcomes and results we would like to see.  So, we just pray each morning for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit that we can see with spiritual eyes and be doing 'Kingdom' work even when we aren't aware of it.  And maybe, just maybe something amazing will happen that can only be described as the work of our great and sovereign Heavenly Father.
PLEASE pray for us here in this challenging area of Colorado as we attempt to have a spiritual influence on Clear Creek County.