Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Often, talking with a new person reveals the things that are closest to our hearts.  After initial 'getting to know you' bits of information are exchanged, like family and where you live the conversation moves to the next level.  It is here that we discover those matters that are important to us--hobbies, a sports team, a good book we've read recently, a particular period of history we are interested in, our job.  The first thing we talk about at this point in a conversation can be quite revealing this way.
This is not a criticism or a judgment in any way.  It is just an observation.
What got me thinking about this was reading in Acts 8.  In the history of the early church, Stephen an early leader just got killed.  Severe persecution against the church breaks out under the direction of Saul.  Homes are broken into.  Residents are dragged out and thrown into prison.  Many who aren't arrested we are told are 'scattered'.  In verse 4 of chapter 8 in Acts we read this about the group that has exiled:  "...those who had been scattered went about preaching the word...".
I don't know about you, but if many of my friends and maybe family members had been put in prison, and I had been forced to leave behind my home and all that was familiar to me, I don't think the first thing I would do would be to go about preaching the very word that was getting so many people put in jail.  I think I would probably hunker down and keep my mouth shut.  And in private conversation I would more than likely have many not so nice things to say about that jerk, Saul and other religious leaders.
I find it fascinating and quite frankly, convicting that these people had been so captivated by the Lord Jesus, their lives so transformed down in the depths of their being that the first response in their new circumstances is to go about preaching the Good News!
I pray that today, the Holy Spirit will so fill me fresh with Kingdom energy and so captivate my heart with how much I am loved by my Heavenly Father, that it will be the natural and spontaneous response to go about preaching the Good News with my very presence on this earth!!

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