Some one recently asked me how I would explain Communion to some one who didn't speak "Christianese", that is to some one who didn't attend church and wasn't familiar with the language we use in church. This is what I said: "We believe that some how Christ is spiritually present in the bread and the wine of Communion. It is a way of receiving, by faith, the grace that is offered to us by Christ's life and death. It is 'soul food'. We aren't saved again and again by receiving the bread and the wine, but we are nourished by it and it helps us to grow in our Christian life."
Since it was a hypothetical question, I'm not sure how that answer would fly with a real person who doesn't speak the language of church. I know that I would relish the opportunity to have that kind of conversation where some one would ask questions and say that they needed more clarification so that they could better understand it.
Maybe, though, we need to push it back to us, the ones who do go to church, the ones who do receive the body and blood of the Lord weekly or monthly, do we really understand the deep meaning that is there? I fear often, even for myself, that we go through the motions of it and yet maybe even that is OK. We say we take it by faith and sometimes just taking it, even in the absence of feeling is taking it by faith, believing that something can happen in us that we might not see or feel right away.
Jesus said, and this is from 'The Message', "Only insofar as you eat and drink flesh and blood, the flesh and blood of the Son of Man, do you have life within you...My flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. By eating my flesh and drinking my blood you enter into me and I into you. In the same way that the fully alive Father sent me here and I live because of him, so the one who makes a meal of me lives because of me..." (John 6)
Those are arresting words to say the least. They grab our attention and point us to the reality that the bread and wine of Communion is no casual thing. Here are truths from the unseen realm. And I pray for the Holy Spirit's help in focusing my attention more and more on the things that are unseen rather than the things that are seen. I hope and pray the same will be happening for you.